Saturday, February 15, 2020

Global Body Warning Assorted Writings on Public Health. My Personal Risk Management Journey

Global Body Warning Assorted Writings on Public Health Care, My personal Risk Management Journey.
I have been following the Novel Corona Virus since the first inklings of a pneumonia outbreak in China in the beginning of December 2019. In the last 15 years I have also noticed that many people in this country don’t know the importance of Public Health practice, how their bodies work and how diseases spread.  I put that responsibility on our education systems across the United States. But this is not the time to go down that rabbit hole.
Why was I interested in some artifact of health news seeping out of China? I love history, and Asian cultures because they offer so much to the world. I also love and respect science especially biology. Why? In Junior High School we learned about Public Health, and gasp, Sex ED or as it was safely called “Reproduction,” disease and how to prevent or heal when and if possible.  We dissected fetal piglets, looked through microscopes at slides, outlined phylogenetics in relationship to vertebrates and non- vertebrates. We had to graph, draw, listen, and read. I went to a public school. To be interested in how the world continues to work, I keep alert to the places that are known to produce new viruses. By now we all should know of those places. The convergence of history in general, disease in specific and my interest in Asian culture and people kind of all started in my early teens. 
Here in New York City we have the Department of Health which offered a unique two-day training in the nineties which was taught by Dr. Vincent Coello. The topic was Risk Management and the example to apply it to centered on Pandemic Influenza. As a result of that FREE two-day class I learned that it would not be If but When a pandemic would happen again.  This was the only instance in which I was ahead of Bill Gates!
I find it alarming that people in this country put Health on the back burner unless they are research scientists or clinicians who see the results of not caring about health. Then when they are very sick, expect practitioners to come up with miracle cures. When you are laid out with 2019-nCoV is NOT the time to correct your diet. You will be lucky if you will be able to eat. There is no vaccine yet, only supportive care.  Guess what the result of poor public health practice is? The structures that support the cost of care fail. The enormity collapses in on itself. It is chaos with cost far beyond Medicare for all, Universal Health Coverage, or Affordable coverage.
The triangulation of History, Science and Public Health puts me in my seat studying the Novel Coronavirus of 2019 about six to twelve hours a day. Except of course during a winter retreat for a week.
Because I am not a research scientist but a clinical health care worker with front line expertise, I am not as knowledgeable of what could be next. But we have the internet and social media which when put to good use and tethered with technology is an open door, a mirror, an unknown realm intertwining or as Buddhist and others describe it Indra’s net.
We look back to history of Pandemic Flu of 1917-18, Polio, Swine Flu, SARS, MERS, and Wuhan 2019 nCoV or whatever its new name will be. We have our regular Influenza every year which kills thousands and sickens many more. I just wish the numbers of those cases could be tabulated to see how many of them availed themselves of Influenza vaccines as imperfect as they are. Many health care workers shun the Flu vaccines. They can spread Flu to their patients. There is talk of the enormous cost and burden that is put on Public Health care by those who do not vaccinate against the “regular flu” but are now scared of the unknowns in the Novel Corona Virus of 2019. Would they get vaccinated if a vaccine for it existed? 
In China the clampdown on those sick or not with the virus is creating a screen for the Chinese Communist Party to “disappear” people. This reminds me of the brutalization that occurred during what we know of Mao’s time by Red Guards and others. I am not alone with those thoughts. It is part of the continuing saga of China. Let me say the Chinese army is always ready to go. It is huge, it is always training. It can do good, but it is still an army, that carries out orders. At this time, it appears the orders are a travesty. A devolution of a culture. Building a hospital quickly is a marvel. Taking care of the health of a country requires a lot more than technical ability.
Germ Theory and Koch’s Postulate on how to define disease were discovered and implemented to save humans and sentient beings. They work to help us cross all barriers with compassion. The use of evidence-based science and biology to educate people about Public Health. That is a true cultural revolution.

Note: as of 2/11/2020; this Novel Corona Virus is called COVID-19 short for COrona VIrus Disease as named by the WHO.
People are going missing who reported on this disease. There is a mounting international out-cry.
It is spreading and may be able to be inhaled because it aerosols into fine mists in the environment.
There is a chance of quick turnaround of reinfection after the initial one is cleared.

Diana JiFu Lakis

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