Thursday, December 22, 2016

Round Robin of Harm

Round Robin of Harm.

The first section of this particular blog is called an Introduction, the Second is called Round One:

This one as noted above is called Round Robin of Harm.

I was not surprised to read today that Israel has asked D.T. to intervene on their behalf. Here are a few of the things that I have heard and experienced. "Hillary Clinton gave away 500 million dollars of my money." I was non plussed considering the source I said "Really? I did not know you were worth 500 million dollars. He sputtered and said, "my tax dollars. She gave to the Palistinians" I could have said many things. Like yeah and what did D.T. pay in taxes didn't he owe a lot in taxes? I guess we may never know. Oh, wait I vaguely remember it was for humanitarian aid and she did not do it single handed. Maybe I am wrong about that. But a friend said to me "how about all the financial aid we have given to Israel?" Yeah, I thought since its inception, I am sure it is much more than 500 million. I decided he was so stupid I could not respond to that.

Or this gem "Hillary is going to take away our guns" this from the russian american dudes. Yikes.
I thought "yeah she will come up to you on the streets of Brooklyn or wherever you live and with her bare hands take those guns right out of your hands. My oh my what will you do then. Sit down on the corner and cry? I continued with my computer billing.

Then there was the porno graffiti  of Hillary that my co-worker saw and when she did, she told them point blank...that is not appropriate and you have to shred it immediately.

There was so much other verbal rubbish strewn about I felt like I was in a cesspool, a swamp, a rhetorical sphincter of  pseudo analytical thought that was meant for shot gun reactions. Fits and sharts they would be. Get your adult pampers for this crap. Except that it harms. These are thoughts like C Difficile Aureus the latest permutation on the disease state that is resistant to antibiotics to such a degree that CDC and others have issued guidelines and warnings to be notified.

On the way home tonight, up the stairs on the walkway to the other train and I heard a gang of people coming up behind very loud and did not know what the heck was going on. Right next to me a Muslim woman in garb. I did not notice her at all until then, maybe I sensed her fear. I instinctively grabbed her by the elbow and said let's go fast keep going move fast lets go straight. She had head phone on but heard and listened  and looked at me. I turned to see they were either drunk or something. I said to her they are goofing around but I suggest that when you hear that kind of stuff ...just keep going fast and away. You never know. Oh I was wearing the pin thing on my hat which means I will help out. Maybe she put herself next to me for safety.

May I have compassion on myself and take heed.

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